We sponsored ($5,000) and a member family hosted a needy child from Mexico through the Gift of Life-AZ Program - A program that provides needed heart surgery at no cost to a foreign child in need. The real story is that the Member's houseĀ¬hold had a family meeting last New Year's, discussed being a host family and it was unanimous. Their playroom was tuned into a bedroom for their unknown guests and they waited for the call. Finally it came. Mauricio Flores, age 15, had been on the GOL-AZ waiting list for surgery since 1998. Mauricio was coming from Nogales, Mexico with his mother and grandparents. Mauricio was born a blue baby on July 6, 1992. Doctors said Mauricio had a congenital heart defect in which the heart's main artery and the main veins essentially switch functions. It was very complicated with many trips back to the hospital. Guests visited every day and had wonderful support from the Scottsdale Sunrise Rotary Club. They brought Mauricio home for two additional weeks for his final recovery period. Many Rotarians brought dinners or would take Mauricio out for ice cream. His doctor gave Mauricio his OK to travel and, with many tears, our new friends went back to Mexico. Six weeks of in and out of the hospital was very hard for all, but it was an unforgettable rewarding experience. One of our member commented, "Saving a child's life is such an honor. So many children could lead such productive lives if they only had a chance."